Sunday 3 October 2010

Serrano and Iberico Hams

Spanish Ham, the quintessential Spanish icon, which can be found gracing local bars and restaurants, crafted by skilled artisans following centuries old tradition, dating back to Roman times, the ham is left to mature high up in the mountains.

These hams are far removed from their mass produced rivals, sold in most supermarkets seductively presented in their vacuum packed jackets perfectly sliced, not too thick, not too thin and with just the right amount of fat.  Looks can be deceiving!
After such hype, I was disappointed to find this ham lacked soul.  Although well presented the meat was bland, the fat remained, firm and seems to serve no purpose, it does not melt and it has no flavour.

So I set out to obtain a true Spanish ham to grace my kitchen table, a gastro masterpiece.  
For my first ham I chose the Gran Reserva Serrano Ham, produced from a breed of white pig such as the Duroc and Landrace and matured for 16 months.  My decision was based on my current budget and I was looking for a ham commonly found in bars and restaurants, which was also good value for money.

I like the idea of being able to keep the ham on a kitchen table or worktop, without the need to refrigerate it.  It is kind of a convenience food, if I feel a little peckish all I need to do is carve some meat off. And eat with some melon or figs.

Carving the ham takes practice and is considered an art form in Spain, where the ability to thinly slice is dependent on the skill of the carver.  Carving a leg of ham is a little like enjoying a good wine, the flavour differs depending on which part of the leg it is carved and how it was produced

I found this ham to be more flavoursome with a greater depth of flavour and an inviting aroma, bringing back fond memories of Spain.  The fat in the ham melts in your mouth and has purpose, protecting the meat from drying out, whilst infusing it with flavour.  A truly satisfying and exciting experience.

A full leg of ham may seem like a little overkill to some, however it not only lasts a long time, it is also great snack food.

My first review is on The Tapas Lunch Company, where I purchased my Gran Reserva Serrano Ham,  please click on the picture link for my full review.

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